Knight Swap For Mac

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  1. Knight Swap For Mac Os
  2. Knight Swap For Mac Catalina
  3. Knight Swap For Mac Mojave
  4. Knight Swap For Mac Osx

IEEE 802-2014 actually specifies hyphens for ordinary MAC addresses (§ 8.1 ¶ 3) and colons for the obsolescent bit-reversed notation (¶ 4). Importantly, in practice, no one observes this. We simply use one or the other, but never mix them in a single written MAC. – pilcrow Jul 14 '15 at 17:06.

  • The “Media Access Control” address is a unique identifier given to all networked devices. The address is different for all Pi’s and can be used to identify your device. Think of it as a digital fingerprint. There is a separate MAC address for Ethernet and WiFi interfaces.
  • IEEE 802-2014 actually specifies hyphens for ordinary MAC addresses (§ 8.1 ¶ 3) and colons for the obsolescent bit-reversed notation (¶ 4). Importantly, in practice, no one observes this. We simply use one or the other, but never mix them in a single written MAC. – pilcrow Jul 14 '15 at 17:06.

On its most classic form, Chess is, by itself, a complex and interesting game. After all, from its defined rules, a huge array of movements and possibilities arise, allowing players to express themselves in many different ways. Based on these basic premises, game developers have been creating all kinds of interesting and unique games, as they play with the Chess’ rules and possibilities. Zen Chess and Unlock the King (both are also by Minimol Games) are examples of a less orthodox approach, where Chess is transformed into a puzzle game –Knight Swap isn’t much different. It is, actually, a little too similar.

If you have played Unlock the Kingbefore (or if you’ve read our review), you’ll discover that Knight Swap is a very similar game, almost as if it is another side of the same coin. Here, too, Chess is transformed into a kind of relaxing puzzle game. With a minimalistic presentation, Knight Swap delivers 100 different levels, with an ever-increasing difficult curve. Here, too, you’ll use your knowledge about how the Chess pieces move to finish every level. The main differences with Knight Swap are its limitations and objectives.

Instead of playing with the many different Chess pieces, in Knight Swap, you’ll only have knights at your disposition. The objective at each level, as the title implies, is to swap the position of the white and black knights. In order to do that, you’ll have to play with the limitations and possibilities of the Knight’s “L” movement. While this creates a more limited kind of puzzle – especially when you compare it to how Unlock the King uses every Chess piece (aside from Pawns) –, Knight Swap provides variety by changing the board format and adding new elements.

Instead of using the classic 8×8 Chessboard, every level of Knight Swap features a custom board. There are lots of different formats, which obliges the player to get creative in how, when, and where to move each piece. Even so, Knight Swap doesn’t limit itself to just change the board formats. As you progress through its 100 levels, the game starts adding many unique elements, which change the rules considerably. In addition to moving in an L, you’ll also have to deal with trigger buttons that rotate parts of the boards, teleportation tiles, and movable parts. Thanks to these new elements, Knight Swap manages to ramp up the difficult, transforming what seems to be a limiting idea into something really worthy of your time.

Due to the simplicity of Knight Swap’s pieces and movements, the game feels like a more limited version of Unlock the King at times. This becomes a more prominent issue at certain levels, because more often than not, you’ll see yourself going through a long process of trial-and-error. So, instead of actually discovering the correct way of completing a stage, you can simply move the pieces at random until you eventually get to the correct answer. Also, the similarities between the two games make me wonder if they wouldn’t work better as a single package, where you play with the Chess rules, but with slightly different objectives.

Thanks to its minimalistic presentation and simple controls transforms, it is one of those games that work perfectly on-the-go, as you can resume at any time and play a quick level. In the end, if you’re looking for a kind of relaxing puzzle experience, Knight Swap is a good enough offer – especially if you want more of what Unlock the Kingoffered.



In Knight Swap, Chess is transformed into a puzzle game where you have to play with the possibilities and limitations of the Knight’s L movement. It is a bit too similar to its spiritual-brother Unlock the King, but offers more of the Chess-puzzle experience.

It can sometimes be useful to obtain the MAC address of your Raspberry Pi’s network interfaces. The “Media Access Control” address is a unique identifier given to all networked devices. The address is different for all Pi’s and can be used to identify your device. Think of it as a digital fingerprint. There is a separate MAC address for Ethernet and WiFi interfaces.

There are a number of ways to identify them using the command line or using Python code. Below are some quick examples you can use to find the MAC address.

From the Command Line

To find the MAC address from the command line you need to know the name of the interface. The Ethernet interface used to be called “eth0” but in newer versions of Raspbian it may be “enx########” where ######## is the MAC address. This means the Ethernet interface name is unique for every Pi. The first WiFi interfaces is still named “wlan0”.

Knight Swap For Mac Os

You can find the interface names by using :

The name will be one of the displayed sub-directories alongside “lo”.

You can then use the following command :

or you can type :

You should swap #### for the interface name.

Knight Swap For Mac Catalina

This will result in output similar to :


The “HWaddr” or “ether” value is the MAC address. In this example “c7:35:ce:fd:8e:a1”

Knight Swap For Mac Mojave

Knight swap for mac catalinaCatalina

Knight Swap For Mac Osx

Finding the Ethernet Interface Name Using Python

The names used for the Ethernet and wireless interface on the current version of Raspbian are “eth0” and “wlan0”.

In some older iterations of Raspbian these names were based on the MAC address of the interface using what is known as “predictable interface names”. For this reason I created a function to determine the name regardless of the scheme being used :

It looks at the sub-directories of /sys/class/net/ and finds either “eth0” or the name starting with “enx”.

In your script you could use this function to read the interface name into a variable :

Finding the MAC Address Using Python

The following Python function can be used to obtain the MAC address of your Raspberry Pi :

This function can be called using the following line :

Or if you have a WiFi connection :

Finally combining both functions would give you ability to find the Ethernet interface name and then retrieve the address without worrying about what version of Raspbian was being used:


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