Vagante is an adventure set in a dark fantasy world filled with monsters, demons, and crooks. Despite these dangers, adventurers commonly travel these unforgiving lands questing for fame, riches, and power. A recent rumor has it that a certain cave at the edge of. Vagante is a roguelike in 2D in the style of Spelunky in which you control an adventurer whose objective is to find the treasures hidden inside a deadly dungeon. In the beginning, you have to choose between one of two characters: a warrior, who is stronger but less versatile; or an archer, who is less strong but can attack from a distance.
Vagante MacOSX Free Download
Vagante is an adventure set in a dark fantasy world filled with monsters, demons, and crooks. Despite these dangers, adventurers commonly travel these unforgiving lands questing for fame, riches, and power. A recent rumor has it that a certain cave at the edge of the woods guards an unfathomable treasure. The following Laptops exceed the recommended specs for Vagante; leaving you more overhead for mods, high framerates and/or high resolutions. Laptops to easily Run Vagante, and then some. 38 Games Like Vagante for Mac. Vagante is an adventure set in a dark fantasy world filled with monsters, demons, and crooks. Despite these dangers, adventurers commonly travel these unforgiving lands questing for fame, riches, and power. A recent rumor has it that a certain cave at the edge of the woods guards an unfathomable treasure.
Vagante Mac Game is an action platform that represents constant death and procedurally generated levels. Play with friends, both locally and online, or take your own risks in this exciting rogue like-style game.
Vagante for Mac is an adventure in a dark fantasy world full of monsters, demons and scammers. Despite these dangers, adventurers usually travel to these unforgivable lands in search of glory, wealth, and power. According to a recent news report, in some cave on the edge of the forest is an incomprehensible treasure. Although a handful of fearless adventurers had already entered the cave, no one returned. Not afraid of the potential danger, you go to the trailer to investigate.
Key Features:
- Local and online co-op – Adventure in collaboration with four players, locally or online via Steam!
- Procedural generation – with procedurally generated levels there are no two identical hits, which gives countless hours of play.
- Choose how to play: choose a unique class, skins and background, and then customize your character as you play, with a choice of unique class skills for each level.
- Enchanted objects: Unlock magical objects that give powerful spells and abilities that change the game.
- Uncover Secrets – Keep an eye out for classes, backgrounds, music, and more in the Book of Secrets.
- Explore the rich world: explore five unique areas, each with its own set of dangers such as monsters, unique bosses and traps.
- Difficult but True – Play a game designed for players looking for a challenging but rewarding experience.
GamePlay ScreenShots:
System Requirements:
Minimum Requirements
Your device must meet all minimum requirements to open this game
- Processor: Intel i3-4005U @ 1.7 Ghz
- Graphics: GeForce 9400M
- Storage: 200 MB available space
Installation Instructions:
If you do not know how to install the game on your mac, CLICK HERE NOW.
Vagante MAC Game Free Download
File Size: 112 MB
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There is little as challenging as a constantly regenerating game. That is to say, a game where every level is slightly different leaving no two play-throughs the same. That’s the main selling point of Vagante, a cave exploring adventure game for PC, Mac and Linux developed by Nuke Nine. Following in the footsteps of similar games such as Spelunky, Vagante takes the common concept and ramps it into another gear.
What It’s All About
The game is based around exploring and the idea that a certain cave at the edge of the woods contains an unimaginable treasure that many explorers covet. To get to it, you’ll have to traverse a world full of demons, monsters, villains and unforgiving terrain. The unique feature of this game is the fact that each level is randomly generated with different monsters, items and layouts that you won’t have experienced previously. Each combination is different leaving no two levels the same, which is a terrific boost in the game’s longevity and replay value.
Vagante For Mac Os
What I Liked
Vagante is one of the more realistic games I’ve played. Not in the sense of graphics or even its plot, but in its mechanics. The vast majority of games will have fixed plot devices or planned cut scenes etc, but Vagante often has you at its mercy. If you drink a random potion that you find lying around in a Zelda game, you know what you’re getting. If you drink a potion you find in a cave in Vagante, it could very well kill you. Or perhaps, a rock will fall from the ceiling and smash your head. There is no certainty in Vagante, much like there would be no certainty when traversing a cave in real life. There are dangers lurking everywhere, and the game is not going to be kind to you if it can help it. As annoying and borderline hostile as this can be, it’ll be a real positive for experienced game players who are sick of everything being so easy or solved by looking up a walkthrough. As Vagante constantly regenerates its levels, there is no set pattern in the game for people to guide you through. Every thing is up to chance!
What I Didn’t Like
In a way this difficulty can also be to its detriment. There are definitely times when the difficulty of the game has been infuriating for me, when I’m looking to just relax and enjoy a game but keep getting killed inside about 4 seconds without a moment to breathe. The game is also exceptionally dark (and yes I am aware it’s a cave game) which can be a little off-putting, especially combined with its rather dated looking graphics.
Despite its extraordinary toughness, Vagante is still fun to play. With its selection of challenges, items and sense of adventure, there’s still lots to sink your teeth into if you’re looking for a good exploration game with lots of danger. That said; don’t expect to be amazing at this just because you’ve breezed through Spelunky a couple of time. Vagante separates the men from the boys.
- Realistic gameplay experience
- No two levels are the same!
- Lots of various mechanics and devices to keep it interesting
- Very dark
- Difficulty can be insanity inducing at times